Friday, August 27, 2010

36 hours old, and doing great

This parenting stuff is hard. So much to learn but I believe completely that he's getting good at telling us what he needs. All we have to do is listen. JP's first full day on earth saw visits fromo nanna and poppy (donelson), grandpa and gramma forsyth, and grampus and Grammy (cobb), as well as several friends and family. Kiddo is eating like a king, and mom is a trooper.

Last night we realized the value of a good burp, too. Kiddo was feeding well, and ate at 9, 10, and 11. He had been sleeping well after feedings, but as midnightbrolled around jp just continued to be fussy. I paced with him while mom dozed, but he kept fussing. Mom woke and he took another bit of a feeding, and then mom began to pace with him, too. All of a sudden, he let out four burps that would have made any firefighter proud. Literally mounts later, still in lyzza arms, he was zonked out. He slept until his assesment at 2am, fed again at 3a, and then slept until about 645 or so this morning. Mom and dad very very thankful :). So the lesson was - burp hard :).

At some point I'll figure out how to get pics and such up here. We've got a great video of his first sponge bath at 2hours old, too. For now, all our love.

Lyzz, Josh and jp

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

And so it begins

Posting from my iPad in the labor and delivery room. At seton central in Austin, tx. We've been here since about 4am, and are making slow but steady progress. Soon we'll be able to introduce the world to our son. Already had visits from grandma cobb and nanna and poppy donelson, and granddad and Sharon are on the road headed this way - they should a get here by 6 or so. Very exciting indeed.