Friday, April 29, 2011

Date Night

Luisa is working on JP's music skills:

We got a group of friends together to see Itzhak Perlman with the Austin Symphony. Josh and I arrived late so we were not allowed in until the end of the first set. We had the entire balcony to ourselves. The weather was perfect.

It's the 100th Anniversary of the ASO and they served champagne and cake after the show out on the patio. This is part of the light show. Here are Ax, Edna, Jane, Eric, Jill, Josh and myself :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Overdue Updates!

Holy cow, lots of updates to get through!

San Jacinto Night was last weekend and boy am I glad to have it behind me! It was a wonderful party. Not the biggest we’ve had but the first time our fundraiser has actually been profitable. As the event organizer I take a lot of pride in that. Ultimately the goal of the event is just to HAVE an event but the fact that we actually raised $4,500 for the Austin Fire Museum is fantastic. This year was quite a challenge with JP in our lives and Josh in his final weeks of grad school but we pulled it off! So glad it was a great party and SO glad it’s behind us. I raked our front yard in celebration.

But in more important news, JP has not only learned to crawl but he has also sprout 2 teeth! It’s been a big week!! Josh was in NYC this week so Monday morning I dropped JP off at Luisa’s for a 24-hour stay while I was at the station. She called me in the evening to give me a recap of the day and let me talk to JP (I just LOVE hearing him on the phone) and she said, “You didn’t tell me he had a tooth!” to which I replied, “He didn’t this morning!!” So Luisa gets the prize for spotting his first incisor. Josh and I are green with envy. Even worse is when I picked him up on Friday afternoon I noticed the second one poking through and Luisa said she didn’t want to say anything. ☺

JP and I went to Ingram for a quick visit this week. En route we learned that Gramps was being deployed to Mississippi with the Red Cross to help those effected by the recent tornadoes in the area. We were sorry to miss him but proud of his service. Mom was hoping to be deployed, too, but found that she was still on “unavailable” status for some reason. She was able to update her status but was unfortunately not deployed…so we kept her busy instead. It was a great visit. JP never really crawled but did a lot of practicing and pulling up. We paid a visit to Sue and Carl Mertz and the precious little girl they are foster parenting. Alia is only a month or so old than JP and she thought he was hilarious. They played together for a few hours and had a great time.

This morning, while Josh was getting ready for class, JP finally put it all together and crawled about 5 feet. Woohoo!! So during JP’s morning nap I baby-proofed the downstairs. All those sweet Lego’s from Lego Christmas 2010 were relocated to the garage, the outlets we plugged and foam guards were put on the deadly sharp corners of the coffee table. We have yet to figure out a fireplace solution but that’s next on the list.

We have a photo session scheduled this week with Bridgette Bloomquist, the woman who did JP’s pics when he was 8 days old. We should get some really fantastic shots, I’m excited. I’m also looking forward to seeing her neighborhood. That area was hit by a huge wildfire just a week ago and her entire steer was evacuated. Thankfully her house was spared but 20 homes were burned all around her. That fire made national news and worked the Austin Fire Department pretty hard. No one was injured but it was quite a wake up call for our area. We have been very lucky in recent years but the potential for a huge wild fire is always looming. Give me a burning structure any day but you can keep your wildfires. Hard work and unpredictable fire. No thank you.

Okay, JP is on the floor and making a b-line for a pile of stuff. I gotta go parent.

Monday, April 18, 2011

JP's great laugh

We are long overdue for an update...But I don't have time now. Soon!

To tide you over, here is an awesome video of JP laughing :)