Saturday, August 27, 2011

JP's 1st Birthday!

Just one year ago today we brought our newborn baby boy home from the hospital. He was 6 lbs 1 oz and was nursing every 2 hours.

Today we celebrated JP's first birthday with friends and family and I baked a special cake just for him to dive into. It was a wonderful day. Aunt Ruthie arrived early to help me set up (thank you, Ruthie!) and our guests started arriving at 11am. We had Nana, Poppy, First-Cousin-Once-Removed Jake Donelson, Aunt Ali, Aunt Le, Cousin Mary Mae, First-Cousin-Once-Removed Mary Camp and Thomas Chilton, Coitt, Kristi and Izzy Kessler, Denise and Lucas Geleitsmann, Jeannie, Jon and Lainey Griego, Stacey, Dan and Madelyn Kingslien, Jane, Walt and Whitley Adair, and JP's baby sitter, Kate Bell. The kiddos played and the adults visited. After burgers and hotdogs we brought out JP's smash cake and let him have a little fun. The little guy was exhausted from all the activities but I think he enjoyed his first chocolate experience. He is a Forsyth, afterall...

It goes without saying that he raked in an amazing amount of loot...especially since I requested no gifts. (yeah right, that's a completely unrealistic expectation with this family)

We were able to keep track of who gave what with the exception of a really neat pair of galoshes made to look like firefighter boots. They were in a bag with no tag so we don't know who to thank. They are REALLY cool boots so if you know who gave them to us, please let me know :)

Here are some pics from the party.

The man in the skirt is Coitt with his wife Kristi and JP's girlfriend Izzy. Isabelle is 3 weeks younger than JP.

This is Cake Smash prep

And the results!

The cake knife was a gift from Rebecca Powers for when JP was born. It's to use for his birthday cakes every year and finally to cut his wedding cake. What a neat tradition. Rebecca and JP share the same birthday, August 25th. She's a pretty exceptional woman so here's hoping her birthday has something to do with it :)

JP took this one of himself. I thought it was cute so I included it :)

This little boy is walking more than he is crawling, now.

Here's JP's daily routine right now:
He wakes anywhere from 6 to 7am, I nurse him first thing, then he plays for a while. He gets a breakfast (oatmeal, fruit and/or an egg) at 8:30 and goes down for his morning nap at about 9:30. This one usually lasts for at least an hour and sometimes 1.5 hours. He has lunch at 12:30 (fruits, veggies, oatmeal) and then he nurses or gets a bottle at about 2:30 just before his afternoon nap at 3. He wakes just before 5 and we play until dinner time at 6:30 (Veggies, chicken, fruit, etc.). Then naked baby time, tooth brushing, bath, JP's PJs, nurse and bed at 8.

It's been an amazing year. I heard someone say the days are long but the years are short. I am really beginning to understand that now. Josh and I are having such a great time with this little boy. He's so happy and, though we have very limited experience, he seems to be very easy. We're already talking about baby #2 and imagine that will happen sometime next year. She'll probably be a little hellion. That's okay, she'll have an awesome older brother to help keep her in line :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Okay, it's been 3 months and change since we've posted anything. JP's first birthday is just days away and he has grown so much in the past few months. This little video shows off his new chompers of which he has 5 and almost 6. Crazy!

He is also able to walk now, though he chooses the the more efficient mode of crawling. His first word is "ball" (every round piece of produce at the grocery store is a ball...lemons, apples, oranges, mangos, you name it. It's a "ball" and JP wants to play with it) and we're pretty sure he's got "dog" as well.

He eats everything in sight and his new favorite is steamed broccoli. We're having a great time with this kiddo and can't wait to see what he has in store for us next!