Saturday, February 19, 2011

Monty the Bronty

Christina Marrs, of the Asylum Street Spankers, has a fantastic little side project on Etsy called Little Sidekick (check out the website here) and she made and sent JP a stuffed brontosaurus that I named Monty. That's Monty the Bronty. This is JP's absolute FAVORITE toy of all time. (Followed very closely by Sophie...the two are shaped just about identically.) He's easy for JP to grab and as JP has started teething, he will suck on Monty's poor drenched head until his whole body is completely saturated.

JP was really going to town on poor Monty a few days ago:

As I mentioned, we think JP is starting to teethe. He not only puts everything in his mouth, now he has really started to CHEW on everything. Hard. This great puppy dog toy that Aunt Ali brought last weekend is no exception. Of course, the dog found some temporary relief when JP noticed the camera was rolling. This kid is a ham. All bets are off when we sees (or hears) the camera.

And finally, we are slowly adding foods to JP's list. So far he eats rice cereal, oatmeal, bananas, sweet potato, green beans, peas, avocados, apples, and squash. I'm learning how to make all his food from a great website called . I buy all organic veggies, steam them, then puree them with a handy little wand mixer. I'm even attempting to freeze the extra in ice cube trays so they keep a lot longer. One cube is about an ounce and perfect for a serving size.

Here is Josh feeding JP apples for the first time. Josh is waaaay better at getting more food into JP's mouth than on his face. That's where I excel. It's funny, though, because JP was totally focused on eating until he heard me turn on the camera. Then he wouldn't stop staring at me. I had to hide the camera so he would pay attention to Daddy. He is so funny about it!

And here are some absolutely adorable photos, just for good measure:

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow in Austin!

We awoke to find an inch of snow on the ground this morning! That may not be a lot for many of you out there, but it's quite an event here. It's made even better by the fact that I am not at work and don't have to deal with stupid people who drive recklessly and hit things. Yeah day off!

Here is DJ enjoying the powder :)

JP was in a fantastic mood this afternoon (probably excited about the snow) and was giving me some great giggles and belly laughs. I just had to get it on film

And finally, since JP is 5.5 months old, everything goes straight into his mouth. This does not exclude stationary objects. Josh captured this cute learning moment as JP explores. :)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

JPs spoon skills

JP is getting better and better at eating with a spoon. And better and better at hamming it up for the camera. He is his mother's son, after all...I find it quite entertaining how distracted he gets when the camera comes out!