Monday, December 20, 2010

I get it now

Ok, not really, but I think I'm closer to understanding what people mean when they say "they grow up so fast." I swear it was yesterday that we brought JP home from the hospital at 6 pounds 1 ounce, and he was so small that we had to buy a separate insert for the carseat just to make sure his head fit in there snugly. Lyzz had 4 months off, and the little man slept for about 90 minutes at a time. Just yesterday, he slept for 12 hours in his OWN ROOM (8, then food, then 4 more), and Lyzz has to go back to work in 2 weeks. It's crazy.

We're really working hard to make the best use of technology to preserve these moments. Every time someone tells us to "remember that, because they grow out of it," we grab the Flip Video. One such action that everyone says they wish they could have again is the sound of an infant feeding. After hearing that, I spent a few minutes just listening to Lyzz feed JP the other night. It's a sound that just isn't replicated anywhere else in nature, and 'they' were right - I knew that I'd want to remember it. Grandma Sharon got the chance to feed JP over the Christmas holiday, and the Flip Video was ready. We got a great scene of a grandmother and her grandson, but we also got to put that sound down on tape, so we can have it to look back on. This is rapidly becoming one of my favorite videos. Enjoy.

We got the chance to document another "first" in JP's life tonight, and we wanted to share. The doc said that we should start JP on some simple foods, like rice cereal. The intent is not for nutrition, but rather to get him used to the act of feeding. "It's a skill," said the doc. So here's JP's very first taste of something other than breast milk. The first video is dad feeding, and the second is Lyzz. All in all, I think JP did great. We expect nothing less - he is a future president after all.

Grandad and Grandma visited us for Christmas this past weekend (December 18th and 19th, 2010). We got some great footage, like this one of Grandad and JP dancing in front of the christmas tree.

During one of JP's down times, Mary Mae helped sing him to sleep. She's such a sweetheart around JP - incredibly gentle, and very careful about touching or picking him up. It's awesome to watch - kids just have an innate sense about what's important.

One more, for good measure. Every good parent has to have a shot of their infant son's butt, and we're no different. But what makes this video better is the fact that after seeing his butt you get to see many seconds of his adorable face. And that's really great!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Growing so fast

JP is growing so fast that just about every day Josh and I notice a new skill he has figured out. Today we both agreed that he actually looks older. In the past few days he has really started to reach for things and his neck control is getting better and better. This first video just amazes me. I can't believe he is already able to support his head with such control. Not to mention his impeccable taste in music. Just check out the t-shirt.

This next video is not only a shout out to his awesome Aunt Ali but also a great example of how he is focusing on and tracking objects in his line of sight. It really is fun to watch him see, evaluate and almost comprehend things.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Each noght we were in Galveston we would gather in either JC and Mom's 5th Wheel or over in the Camp's rented RV. Here we are, enjoying some of Tom's awesome BBQ in their RV. The women eating and the men working and/or tending to the baby. The way it should be. :)

And here is a quick video of What JP does in the morning at home.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

More updates are more fun!

The reason for this update is simple - we took an adorable video of the chosen son today, and we needed to share. Enjoy!